Eye lens implants

During cataract surgery, the grayed eye lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens.

Unlike a natural ophthalmic lens, an artificial lens cannot change its shape, so its type and optical characteristics determine how sharp the patient will be able to see after the procedure.

Mono-focal artificial lenses

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If you choose a single-focus artificial lens, you will need to decide whether you want to see clearly far or near after surgery. After cataract surgery, the blurred vision will disappear, but the single-focus artificial lens will provide a sharp image of objects either close-up or in a far distance.


For example, if an artificial lens designed for farsightedness is implanted, you will not need glasses while driving or watching television after the surgery, but you will need one for reading and handcrafting.


Conversely, if an artificial lens designed for nearsightedness is implanted, no glasses will be required for reading, but glasses or contact lenses must be used to sharpen distant vision.

If you have agreed with your doctor to develop monovision, you will receive a mono-focal artificial lens in one eye that will allow you to see well from a distance, while in the other you will receive one that will help you read. In this case, you no longer need glasses after the surgery.

Multi-focus (multifocal) artificial lenses

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With the latest type of artificial lenses, both near and distance vision becomes sharp at the same time, without the need for reading glasses.


It is most comparable to the comfortable vision experience provided by multifocal (multi-focus) glasses, but it lacks the inconvenience of wearing glasses.


The special design of these artificial lenses allows you to see sharply in close-range (within 40 cm), at a far distance (beyond 2 m) and in intermediate range (40 cm to 2 m).

Toric artificial lenses

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In the case of co-occurrence of cochlea and cataracts, it is also possible to get rid of your cylindrical diopter completely.

In this case, if you only have a standard mono-focal lens implanted in your eye, you will need glasses both near and at a distance after surgery. If you choose a toric artificial lens with your doctor, your glasses will be completely omitted for near- or farsightedness.

Artificial lens selection

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The exact type of artificial lens to implant depends on many factors and in case requires an ophthalmic examination.

During the examination and lens design, the clinic specialists will suggest you the type of artificial lens that best suits your individual needs and the medical results of the examination.

At present, many different, international and Hungarian companies sell several high-quality mono-focal, multifocal and toric artificial lenses.

The doctors of our clinic work with the best-quality artificial lenses, and we can assure you that they will choose the most suitable one for you! All our patients are fully informed about the types of artificial lenses available and about their advantages and disadvantages. The doctor always jointly decides with the patient on the procedure and the type of artificial lens to be implanted.