Types of laser treatments used in our clinic

PRK - (photorefractive keratectomy) treatment

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The oldest developed laser eye surgery procedure. It is usually used today only if the eye is unsuitable for modern procedures, or, of course, if the patient desires it.

In this procedure, the doctor mechanically removes the outer surface of the cornea, the epithelium, (which means the peeling the epithelium with a special hockey-shaped knife). Pain-sensing nerve endings run in the epithelium, so these are also manipulated during treatment. After the removal of the epithelium, the excimer laser, which now gained has access to the area to be treated, evaporates a few thousandths, of a milimeter thick tissue layer of the corneal. The epithelium regenerates on the eye surface in 3-5 days and the epithelialized area becomes painless again. After laser treatment, the patient may need to wear therapeutic contact lenses for a few days that covers nerve endings to reduce pain. Underneath these lenses, full epithelization takes about 4-5 days.


• Very safe

• Easiest to implement because there is no expensive or special instrumentation required to remove the epithelium

 • Can also be used with thinner than average corneas


• Pain and light avoidance, which can take 3 to 5 days

• Clean vision is only achieved after 1-2 weeks

• Follow-up treatments for half a year (eye drops for 3 to 6 months, UV light protection for half a year) is very important. The number of follow-up visits is higher because wound healing and possible complications related to the long-term eye drop treatment must be closely monitored. If the patient is unable to follow the recovery schedule for half a year, the result may be less than desired or the eye may deteriorate to original defective level.

• Absence from work for 1-2 weeks


• Do not get water in your eyes for two weeks in the shower and do not lift weights heavier than 1-2 kg!

• Do not work on a computer or drive a car for 3 weeks!

• Do not do sports for 6 weeks, and after that gradually easy into it!

• Do not apply make-up for 2 months and do not steam during facial treatment!

• Do not use the sauna or swim for 3 months!

• Do not sunbathe or use the solarium – even in sunglasses – for 6 months!

• Wearing sunglasses is mandatory for 6 months! (due to UV protection)

• If possible, do not become pregnant for 1 year!

HIGH-END LASIK - (Laser in situ keratomileusis) treatment

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The traditional form of this treatment has been performed since 1993. Since then, tens of millions of patients have been successfully treated worldwide. In view of the success, the method has been continuously improved. This improved version is currently in use in developed countries, one of which resulted in the Pentacam-oculyzer-driven High-end LASIK process.

In this treatment, the corneal epithelium is not removed, but is formed into a protective flap with a knife called a microcernatom. This is a laser diopter correction technique in which the treatment is performed at a different depth compared to surface procedures.

There are no longer nerve endings in the deeper layers of the cornea, so this intervention is completely painless. The protective flap is folded up, the necessary corneal layer is removed with an excimer laser, and then the protective flap is reattached back to its original position after diopter correction, thus securely adhering back to its base.

Thus, the High-end LASIK procedure is completely painless and results in immediate surgical recovery. The surgical procedure only requires one day absence from work. The accuracy of the results is absolutely superior to other surgical instruments available.



• The patient is expected to have significantly better vision on the day of treatment and over 120-150% the next day of surgery.

• Painless treatment and painless healing!

• Depending on the occupation, patients may go to work the day after treatment and drive a car.

• No light avoidance required.

• Post-treatment with eye drops is only 2-3 weeks.

• The patient does not have to wear sunglasses for half a year and there are no follow-up treatments for half a year.

• Number of follow-up treatments is less: on day one after laser treatment, with a follow-up approximately after 1.5 months after eye surgery.



• Lobe making tools are very expensive and require a separate investment from the clinic.

 • Requires special training of the doctor.



• Do not get water in your eyes while showering and do not use make up for a month!

• Do not rub your eyes (for at least a month or preferably longer)!

• Do not exercise for the first two weeks, after which you can do cardio exercises.

After 1 month you can fully return to exercising, though gradually ramp up the workload. If you are boxing or diving, you may want to wait six weeks after treatment before resuming these forms of exercise.

• Do not sunbathe (not even in protective glasses) or use the sauna for 1 month!

FEMTO-LASIK treatment

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It is the most advanced, safest and most accurate laser procedure used worldwide and the most utilized treatment type in our clinic. In our state-of-the-art process, the protective flap is no longer manipulated by human hands or knives, but by a computer-controlled special laser, the so-called FEMTO-SECOND laser. The other steps of the intervention are almost identical to High-end LASIK treatment.

This state-of-the-art procedure provides the absolute safety of lobe preparation and an individualized surgical treatment for our patients.



 • The patient is expected to have significantly better vision on the day of treatment and over 120-150% the next day of surgery.

 • Painless treatment and painless healing!

• Depending on the occupation, they may go to work the day after treatment and drive a car.

• No light avoidance required.

 • Post-treatment with eye drops is only 2-3 weeks.

 • The patient does not have to wear sunglasses for half a year and there are no follow-up treatments for half a year.

• Number of follow-up treatments is less: on day one after laser treatment, with a follow-up approximately after 1.5 and 5 months after eye surgery.



• As the lobe making tools are very expensive, while this intervention is the most accurate and safest, it is also the most expensive. This technique also requires special training of the physician.



• Do not get water in your eyes while showering and do not use make up for a month!

• Do not rub your eyes (for at least a month or preferably longer)!

• Do not exercise for the first two weeks, after which you can do cardio exercises. After 1 month you can fully return to exercising, though gradually ramp up the workload. If you are boxing or diving, you may want to wait six weeks after treatment before resuming these forms of exercise.

• Do not sunbathe (not even in protective glasses) or use the sauna for 1 month!

PTK (phototherapeutic keratectomy) treatment

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This type of treatment is recommended for our patients whom we want to eliminate abnormal corneal lesions (e.g., recurrent epithelial deficiency, scars, opacities). This surgery is also performed with an excimer laser, but the diopter is not modified.

The selection of the surgical method will be jointly determined by the patient and the ophthalmologist based on the results of a thorough eye examination and its full assessment.